How to write an attractive Job CV for Freshers in 2024?

How to write an attractive Job CV for Freshers in 2024?

How to write an attractive Job CV for Freshers in 2024?,May 09, 2024


May 09, 2024


Freshers usually face the problem of not having enough skills or experience to impress the recruiters. They either get too engaged in attending colleges or having internship experience which will not be suitable for the job they are looking for. So, what should freshers do? How do they impress the recruiters and what should they need to mention in their CV? These are just some of the questions. Freshers are filled with 100s of questions like this. To make your work somewhat easy and help you create a suitable and appropriate CV, we will cover the all important points in this comprehensive guide. 

What is a CV and how is it Different from the Resume

CV is the short form for Curriculum Vitae which is a Latin word for the term course of life. It is the document that emphasizes the candidate’s academic achievements, qualifications, and professional experience. A CV is detailed and longer while a resume is a short and brief description of the candidate’s work profile. CVs are becoming more common for recruiters to select candidates especially, if the job is linked to the high education level and experience. While creating a CV, it is essential to customize it as per the specific requirements of the job and use simple and clear language. Also, the most important thing is to review and proofread your CV before submitting it to any company. 

What Relevance Do Resume Formats Have for Recent Graduates/Freshers?

For recent graduates, CV formats are particularly important as they make a positive first impression on hiring managers. Employers can immediately evaluate your most relevant experience and abilities with a well-formatted CV as it is simple to read and scan. As most recent graduates have little to no job experience, it is essential to emphasize their qualities and capabilities on their resumes.

Students can organize their work in a simple and comprehensive manner by using an appropriate CV format. Additionally, it will be helpful to them to modify their resume for each job application.


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CV Format Types

The layout of your resume is extremely important in deciding how prospective employers see you since it acts as your unique marketing tool. In a competitive job market, having an appropriate CV format for freshers could make you stand out. Let's explore the many different formats available to you:

Chronological CV for Freshers

  • One of the most popular and widely accepted CV formats is the chronological one. 
  • It begins with your latest job or internship and proceeds to cover all of your employment history in reverse chronological order. 
  • For recent graduates who want to draw attention to significant job experience, this format works well.

Functional CV for Freshers

  • Functional resumes place a higher priority on your qualifications and abilities than your work experience. 
  • For people changing jobs or recently graduated with little to no work experience, this structure is perfect. 
  • It lets you demonstrate skills that are essential for securing your first job—like solving problems, working together, and communicating.

Combination CV for Freshers

  • The functional and chronological types come together in the combination CV format. 
  • An overview of talents is provided first, then a list of job experiences organized sequentially. 
  • For recent college graduates who want to point out their academic achievements and employment background at the same time, this structure works well.

How to Write an Attractive Job CV for Freshers?

The perfect resume format for new graduates thrives at two things: it has an organized and attractive overall structure and includes all the required elements. These elements of your resume (keep in mind that job experience is optional) should be in your fresher resume format:

  • A CV header with your contact information and personal information
  • A professional goal that reflects your best qualities
  • A job experience area, if you possess any relevant experience previously.
  • A section on education that focuses primarily on your academic achievement
  • A brief list of shown professional skills that satisfy the employment criteria.

One or two more sections covering any strengths that have not been covered.

Let's prepare your resume now that you have an understanding of the components that need to be included. The following are the essential elements of creating a fresher's resume format that is both basic and effective: 


  1. Make It Simple to Scan Your CV

A solid CV style for recent graduates has an easy-to-understand structure that is uncomplicated to use. To effectively divide your resume into parts, use large, evenly spaced subheadings and a lot of white space. In reference to white space, symmetrical resume borders (one inch on each side) and 1.15 line spacing are suggested to make the resume simpler to read. The objective is quick navigation.

  1. Verify That It's Simple to Read The CV

To ensure that the CV format for freshmen stands up equally as well during review, use a professional-looking typeface that is modest. Make sure the typeface you choose for your resume doesn't stand out. In 11–12 indications, Noto is my top pick. Alternatively, just select Calibri or Arial as the default fonts.

  1. Keep The Fresher CV to the Appropriate Length

You can fit all you need on one page for your fresher CV format. If not, make sure all the information you desire to share corresponds directly to the job post and avoid any extraneous information. If the CV is longer than one page, avoid using a smaller font, closer lines, or thinner margins. It is far more effective to rewrite long paragraphs and delete unnecessary details instead of trying to format your resume in a way that restricts readability. 

  1. Send The Fresher CV file in PDF format.

You may use Word for making a resume format for freshers, but you should really use a PDF resume template. Compared to a *.docx file, a PDF can more effectively keep your formatting and layout. Although the company could be using an Application Tracking System (ATS) that isn't suitable for PDF files, you should always follow their preference.

Tips to keep in Mind while creating the Fresher CV

  1. Begin with the Proper Header.

The first section of a fresher's CV that an employer or hiring manager views? The heading of a resume. According to several experiences, there's no magic formula to this; the header of your page has to be accurate, readable, and clear. Make sure to differentiate it from the rest of your CV. Particularly highlight your name. Make it bold and oversized. Include your contact information (phone, email, maybe an online profile or portfolio, but no postal address), as well as at least your job or status as a student, alongside your complete name. Always be sure to go over the job posting.

  1. Lack of Experience Does Not indicate a Lack of Skill

A fresher CV style includes an area for work experience, however it is not required as a fresher. Have you had any relevant job experience? (Keep in mind that volunteer and internship work will be considered here). Sort your professional record from the most recent to the least recent, using a reverse order of events. Create a basic subheading for every position with the beginning and end dates, the job title, and the name of the firm. Add three to six accomplishments in the form of clear bullet points under each of those subheadings.

Ensure that every bullet point relates to the job posting. To organize each point, use a model such as the PAR (Problem-Action-Result). Count everything that you're off. You can switch from listing tasks to highlighting achievements by putting some emphasis on these areas.

  1. Put Emphasis on Your Education

Either you have recently graduated or you're still in university. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the education section acts as the focal point of a strong resume style for recent graduates.

Let's examine the correct method to ensure accuracy:

  • Put the information you have in reverse chronological order. Add the degree, institution, and projected or existing graduation years for each.
  • If you didn't finish your first university degree or have any applicable job experience, then simply submit your Class XII and Class X.
  • Add the results from your CBSE or comparable exam. Provide your CGPA for your university instruction. Next, provide a list of highlights that focus on your interests and academic accomplishments.
  • These bullet points could involve awards and distinctions, areas of expertise, academic specializations, and related extracurricular activities. Anything that reveals significant skills in practice. These abilities could be categorized as soft or hard skills. Even in technological fields like IT, both are important.


And that's it! You've just finished building a Microsoft Word CV format for freshers. CV is a very important factor in deciding if you will get the job or not. So, it is very important to make an attractive CV so that you can get one step closer to achieving your goal and getting your preferred job. To maximize your chances of success, remember to personalize your CV for every job application by focusing on pertinent skills and talents. 


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Frequently Asked Queries

A1. An attractive CV is important for freshers as usually freshers have little to no work experience and even if they have work experience, the work is not related to the field they are applying for. So, it is important to create a CV that will quickly impress the recruiter and therefore, increase your chances of getting hired. 

A2. CVs are of generally three types. Chronological CV in which you mention your recent achievements and write the rest in reverse chronological order. The second one is a Functional CV in which candidates put their skills and work experience. It is preferred by people with little to no work experience. And the third one is a hybrid or combination CV in which you mention both your skills and qualifications. 

A3. To make an attractive CV, keep margins and paddings proper, use professional typefaces, add relevant skills and qualifications as per the job description, and lastly proofread the document before submitting it. 

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